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On International Women’s Day 2021, EUPHA announced the formation of a new Working Group (WG) on Gender Equality and on Women’s Empowerment. The WG will focus on capturing the perspectives of all EUPHA Sections to comprehensively map the needs, the priorities and key actioning areas in European and global public health in order to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls and meet Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG5) of the United Nations.

17 November 2021

EUPHA launches the statement on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

It was last week that the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the first anniversary of the de facto abortion ban in Poland, which condemns Poland’s restrictive law on abortion. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are not limited to one setting, one country, one time, rather are an important public health issue across Europe and beyond. In the statement EUPHA does six calls to action to governments in Europe and beyond.
This statement was written in collaboration with the EUPHA Working group on gender equality and Women Empowerment.


The members of the working group are:

Monica Brînzac, Cluj School of Public Health, Romania
Prof Kasia Czabanowska, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Ms Elizabeth Dalgarno, Manchester University, United Kingdom
Dr Lorena Dini, Charité Univesitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Dr Ellen Kuhlmann, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany
Dr Céline Miani, Bielefeld University, Germany
Dr Maria Papadakaki, LaHeRS & PHC-HMU, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Dr Elena Petelos, CSFM & HSR-PH Lab, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece
Dr Sofia Ribeiro, EUPHA (PHPP), Portugal
Ms Isabel Yordi Aguirre, Division of Country Health Policies and Systems WHO Regional Office for Europe, Italy
Dr Dineke Zeegers Paget, EUPHA, Netherlands