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3.1.Bringing future generations of public health professionals into the European multidisciplinary public health community


3.1.A. Lead by example

EUPHA is dedicated to actively include the next generations in the EUPHA governing structure. The main tool for this is EUPHAnxt, the network for students, young researchers, policymakers and professionals in the field of public health. EUPHA installs the EUPHAnxt General Assembly where younger and early career representatives of our members come together to discuss the working agenda for EUPHAnxt and EUPHA. EUPHAnxt has a seat in the EUPHA Executive Council to ensure effective governance, management and planning for future generations. EUPHA sections develop a strategy to include the next generations of public health professionals in their networks. The EPH Conference continues to focus on the next generation by organising skills-building events and identifying newcomers to the conference. The Ferenc Bojan prize for best presentation by a younger public health professionals is continued. Partners include: ASPHER (organizing the pre-conference Young Researchers Forum) and the American Public Health Association (APHA)’s Student Assembly. 

3.1.B. Get the young active in our members

EUPHA encourages the inclusion of the next generations in our national members’ structures by showcasing best practice from our members and encouraging our members to nominate representatives in the EUPHAnxt General Assembly.